After I had Joe I needed an outlet for everything I was going through and experiencing. First time parents, the first of our friends to have a kid and the first to give both our parents a grandchild. A lot of weird, stressful, exhausting, frustrating and crazy crap was happening to us on a daily basis and I was losing my mind trying to sort through it all.
Insert blog.
This blog has been my therapy and doubles as a place to preserve our memories as a family. We have fun, we laugh a lot, cry and we tend to have a lot of mishaps. For some reason if something can go wrong, it goes wrong for us. But we have each other, and luckily we kinda like, even love each other. We're surviving and, quite honestly, I think we've even shocked ourselves.
So, please join us and enjoy our mishaps, laughter and love.
- Sarah, Rick, Joey